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创建时间:  2022-07-27  王智渊   浏览次数:   返回





l 个人简介

汪飞,上海大学机自学院教授、博士生导师,中达青年学者,上海市浦江人才计划,IEEE Senior Member;获浙江大学学士、硕士学位,荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学博士学位。

长期从事基于电力电子技术的能量变换系统运行关键技术研究,在高可靠功率变换器与高效能源管理技术领域取得原创引领性成果,发表学术论文120余篇,其中顶级SCI期刊和一级学报论文35篇,论文他引近2000余次,学术专著1部,授权发明专利13件,获IEEE会议最佳论文奖、上海市科技进步三等奖、中国电源学会科技进步二等奖。近几年主持国家重点研发计划子项目、国家自然科学基金、省部级重大课题、企业军工类重点科研项目等20余项。担任IEEE PELS-CPSS上海联合分会秘书长、CJEE英文学报编委、CPSS-Springer电力电子英文丛书编委、IEEE TIA Associate Editor、中国电源学会多个专委会委员、上海电源学会理事

l 主要研究领域



l 代表性成果

在《IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics》、《IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics》、《IEEE Trans. on Power Systems》、《中国电机工程学报》等国内外学术期刊发表SCI/EI论文30余篇、获授权发明专利13项,授权软件著作权4项。

▪ 论文

    1、W. Miao, Z. Wang, F. Wang, K. H. Lam and P. W. T. Pong, Multi-Characteristics Arc Model and Autocorrelation-Algorithm Based Arc Fault Detector for DC Microgrid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3186351.

    2、Hui Guo, Dandan Gong, Lijun Zhang, Fei Wang, Dajun Du, Hierarchical Game for Low-Carbon Energy and Transportation Systems Under Dynamic Hydrogen Pricing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Page(s): 1 – 11, 14 July 2022.

    3、Lintao Ren, Fei Wang, Yunjie Shi, Luwang Gao, Coupling Effect Analysis and Design Principle of Repetitive Control Based Hybrid Controller for SVG With Enhanced Harmonic Current Mitigation. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2022.3160701.

    4、H. Guo, L. Zhang, F. Wang, T. Shi and J. Luo, Modeling and Analysis of Power Imbalance for Power Electronics Transformers with Multi-Bus Structure, in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2022.3149968.

    5、L. Ren, S. Zhang, L. Li, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, F. Wang, Efficiency diagnosis and optimization in distributed solar plants, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 63, 2021, Pages 24-32.

    6、Y. Zhou, G. Chen, F. Wang, J. Zeng and L. Huang, A ZVZCS Hybrid Dual Full-Bridge Converter Suitable for Wide Input Voltage Range. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 12, 2021, pp. 12058–12068.

    7、X. Lin, Z. Jin, F. Wang and J. Luo, A Novel Bridgeless Cuk PFC Converter With Further Reduced Conduction Losses and Simple Circuit Structure. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 11, 2021, pp. 10699–10708.

    8、M. Eskandari, Li Li, M. H. Moradi, F. Wang, and F. Blaabjerg, A Control System for Stable Operation of Autonomous Networked Microgrids, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 35(4): 1633-1647.

    9、Hui Guo, Tianling Shi, Fei Wang, Lijun Zhang, Zhengyu Lin, Adaptive Clustering-Based Hierarchical Layout Optimization for Large-Scale Integrated Energy Systems, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 14, no. 17, pp. 3336-3345, 2020;

    10、G. Chen, Y. Liu, X. Qing, and F. WangSynthesis of Integrated Multiport DC–DC Converters With Reduced SwitchesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(6): 4536 - 4546.

    11、Hui Guo, Fei Wang, Li Li, Lijun Zhang, and Jian Luo, A Minimum Loss Routing Algorithm Based on Real-Time Transaction in Energy Internet, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, 15(12): 6446-6456.

    12、Hui Guo, Fei Wang, Lijun Zhang, and Jian Luo, A Hierarchical Optimization Strategy of the Energy Router-Based Energy Internet, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(6), 4177-4185.

    13、X. Feng, F. Wang, C. Wu, J. Luo, and L. Zhang, Modelling and Comparisons of Aggregated Flyback Micro-Inverters In Aspect of Harmonic Resonances With The Grid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019.66(1).276-285;

    14、Hui Guo, Fei Wang, Geoff James, Lijun Zhang, and Jian Luo, Graph Theory Based Topology Design and Energy Routing Control of the Energy Internet, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018, 12(20),4507 - 4514;

    15、F. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Feng, H. Guo, An Adaptive Control Strategy for Virtual Synchronous Generator, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp: 5124-5133, Sept./Oct. 2018.

    16、F. Wang, X. Feng, L. Zhang, Y. Du, and J. Su, Impedance-based Analysis of Grid Harmonic Interactions between Aggregated Flyback Micro-Inverters and The Grid, IET Power Electronics, 2018, 11(3): 453-459;

    17、Fei wang, Lin Li, Yuanxu Zhong, and Xinyi Shu, Flyback-based Three-Port Topologies for Electrolytic Capacitor-Less LED Drivers, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no.7, pp. 5818-5827, July 2017;

    18、F. Wang, Z. Lei, X. Xu and X. Shu, Topology deduction and analysis of voltage balancers for DC micro-grid, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp-672-680, June 2017.

    19、Li W., He Y., He X., Sun Y., Wang F. and Ma L., Series asymmetrical half-bridge converters with voltage autobalance for high input-voltage applications, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 28, no.8, pp. 3665-3674, Aug. 2013.

    20、Wang F., Duarte J.L., Hendrix M.A.M., Ribeiro, P. F., Modeling and Analysis of Grid Harmonic Distortion Impact of Aggregated DG Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no.3, pp. 786-797, March 2011.

    21、Wang F., Duarte J.L., Hendrix M.A.M., Pliant active and reactive power control for grid-interactive converters under unbalanced voltage dips. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no.5, pp. 1511-1521, May 2011.

    22、Wang F., Duarte J.L., Hendrix M.A.M., Grid-interfacing converter systems with enhanced voltage quality for microgrid application — concept and implementation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no.12, pp.3501-3513, Dec. 2011.

    23、Wang F., Duarte J.L., Hendrix M.A.M., Design and analysis of active power control strategies for distributed generation inverters under unbalanced grid faults. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 4, iss. 8, pp. 905-916, Aug. 2010.

    24、张圣祺, 刘何毓, 汪飞, 郭慧,施天灵. 面向电网二次调频需求的"PXP"储能集群分布式均衡控制策略. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(3):13


    26、郭慧,汪飞,张笠君等,基于能量路由器的能源互联网分层分区优化,中国电机工程学报,2018. 38(16): 4726-4737;

    27、朱珊珊,汪飞,郭慧等,直流微电网下垂控制技术研究综述,中国电机工程学报,2018. 38(1): 72-84;

    28、张笠君,汪飞等,抑制电网电压扰动的输出阻抗增强型控制环路优化设计研究,中国电机工程学报,2018, 38(4): 1177-1186;

    29、汪飞,李林,钟元旭等,一种双反激集成无电解电容LED驱动电源,中国电机工程学报,2017, 37(5), 1489-1497.

    30、郭慧,汪飞,张笠君等,基于能量路由器的智能型分布式能源网络技术,中国电机工程学报,2016,36(12), 3314-3324;

    31、汪飞,雷志方,徐新蔚,面向直流微电网的电压平衡器拓扑结构研究,中国电机工程学报,2016, 36(6),1604-1612;


    33、许德志,汪飞,毛华龙,阮毅,张巍. 多并网逆变器与电网的谐波交互建模与分析, 中国电机工程学报,2013, 33(12), 64-71.

▪ 获奖

IEEE 会议最佳论文奖(20082017)



获上海大学机自学院十佳教师2015, 2018








    1、一种单级式无电解电容AC/DC LED恒流驱动电源,国家发明专利,授权日 2016-08-31;

    2、一种基于Boost电路的高效率无电解电容LED驱动电源,国家发明专利,授权日 2016-04-27;

    3、一种基于Buck电路的无电解电容LED驱动电源,国家发明专利,授权日 2016-04-27;

    4、基于双向Cuk电路的电压平衡器,国家发明专利, 授权日2017-12-22;

    5、一种基于BoostFlyback电路集成的非隔离无电解电容LED驱动电源,国家发明专利,授权日 2018-06-01;

    6、一种高功率因数隔离型无电解电容LED驱动电源,国家发明专利, 授权日 2018-04-27;

    7、一种电力电子设备监测诊断系统和方法,国家发明专利, 授权日 2020-11-24;

    8、一种针对NPC三电平变流器过流故障的混合检测保护电路及方法,国家发明专利,授权日 2020-04-03;











    2、Flexible operation of grid-interfacing converters in distribution networks: Bottom-up solutions to voltage quality enhancementEindhoven University of TechnologyISBN: 97890386236582010.11;


1 功率变换器老化测试装备


3 能量管理智能控制器


5 综合电力系统硬件在环平台

l 科研项目












l 国际合作

    保持与荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学(TU/e)、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(UTS)、法国里昂国立应用科学学院 INSA de Lyon、英国Loughborough大学、葡萄牙Lisbon大学的紧密合作。悉尼科技大学高级访问学者(2017)、INSA Lyon访问教授(2019)。

